This are all photos by the brilliant photographer, ANJA FRERS. She is over 4 years in buissnes and did many many of shootings for big magazines. The way of her photos inspieres me in a really new way, morlike afairytale.I really love her Photos, it's really art. In last time I stared to think more about art. Waht ist art in fact. Some people say art only can be paintings or photos. But What is fashion in teh eyes of this people isn't it fashion too. Or music. When an artist keep thinking about a song for days and when he wirite it down and sing it on stage it means as much as a good painting means. Art don't have to be loved by everyone or be understanded by overyone I think its's just the feeling from the aritst. When the artist wants to show the world whats up in his head and wehen he wants to give hisfeeling an impression it#s art in my eyes. The from of the art doesn't play the important roll.
This is the song Heart skipped a beat by the xx. I'm really in love with thissing. I hear it all the time. It makes me smiling, like all things I like. I think taht is most important to smile. A simple smile can open everything, if you want to.
Bye, bye